Zeiss AxioObserver with 780-Quasar confocal module
Cite in your manuscripts (example text): NIH Grant S10OD016374
(Institutes: Office of the Director [OD], Office of Research Infrastructure Programs [ORIP])
Installed: Feb 6, 2014
Latest Zen software to control microscope and confocal
Zen software on a separate workstation for image analysis.
Download Zen LE software available for desktop computers in your lab
Analysis with Volocity, Imaris or ImageJ on our analysis workstations
Use LOCI BioFormats to import images into ImageJ
Advantages (over other confocals)
Like our LSM800 and LSM880Airyscan, significantly less phototoxicity and photobleaching because high-sensitivity GaAsP detectors allow 10-20x less laser power for the same image quality.
Single confocal images or image stacks for 3D viewing
FRAP with user-defined photobleach marks
Photoactivation at 405 nm of caged dyes and other molecules
Colocalization of different fluorescent signals
Speed and versatility
Quasar “fingerprint” system separates very closely spaced fluorochromes. Example: DPPIV-GFP (Golgi, green) and Albumin-Alexa 488 (ER-Golgi, red)