Lumicks C-Trap G2 System
Combination: Optical Tweezers, Laser-scanning Confocal, Microfluidics
Model Information
Lumicks C-Trap G2
Cite in your manuscripts (example text ): NIH Grant S10OD025221
(Institute: Office of the Director [OD ], Office of Research Infrastructure Programs [ORIP ])
Installed: Dec 19, 2019
High-resolution dual optical tweezers
Acquisition rate: 50 kHz, <0.1pN resolution, <0.3nm resolution
Independent force-control and/or force-detection
Optional tandem positioning control of both traps for ease-of-use
Optional force-clamp to maintain tension between traps
Integrated & automated 6-channel microfluidic controls
Laminar flow chamber allows fast biochemical changes
Subnanometer xyz -positioning control of specimen chamber
Simultaneous high-speed video (up to 100fps, bright-field)
Three-color confocal fluorescence (488, 532, 638nm laser lines)
Fast 200Hz line-scan between optical traps (kymographs)
3 laser lines available:
488 (solid-state)
532 (solid-state)
638 (diode laser)
High-resolution NA 1.4 condenser (oil-immersion only) for particle tracing
High-resolution Olympus objective 60X/1.30 (water-immersion only, no DIC, no phase)
High-stability heating control (CHECK : up to 40°C)
Ideal for 2-bead trapping experiments
Force-dependence of DNA-binding by single-molecules
Forces of molecular motors
Microfluidics allow easy assembly of multi-molecular complexes using optical tweezers