EM-ICE High-pressure Freezer &
Automated Freeze-substitution System
Model Information
- High-pressure Freezer: Leica EM-ICE with optogenetic stimulation
- Automated Freeze-substitution System: Leica AFS-2
- Cite in your manuscripts (example text): NIH Grant S10RR026445 (Institute:Research Resources [RR])
Installed: Mar 2011; upgraded Jan 2016
- Freeze specimen with 2000 atm pressure within milliseconds! Prevents formation of ice-crystals that damage cell membranes.
- When frozen, crosslinking agents, particularly membrane-stabilizing reagents (e.g. osmium tetroxide), still work! Preservation is excellent!
- Optogenetic stimulation (4 colors available):
- Grow cells on special sapphire coverslips.
- Special heater/environmental stage for cultured cells
- Programmable delay between optogenetic stimulation and freezing.
- After processing, EM images of cellular processes triggered by light.
- Correlative light/fluorescence microscopy:
- Grow cells on special sapphire coverslips.
- Observe cells on light/fluorescence/confocal microscope (your choice!)
- After walking down the hall, freeze within 10s!
- After processing, compare light/fluorescence images with EM.
- Preserving delicate membrane morphology:
- nuclear membrane, nuclear pores
- endoplasmic reticulum, both tubule, cisternae and plasma-membrane-associated ER (tubER, cecER, PM-ER)
- Preserving large structures:
- cell clusters (bacteria/biofilms)
- whole Drosophila embryos